Friday, October 23, 2015


Chinese character classics is an amazing learning material for anyone who wishes to learn Chinese.  The material contains 4000 characters and each character occurs in the material only once. Every four characters form a sentence and every eight characters produce a rhyme. Such a format makes it easy for young kids to mimic and memorize. Testimonials from parents indicate that kids as young as 2 can quickly associate the meaning and shape of those characters.

Some sites claim that finishing learning these 4000 character material takes 162 hours and learner's reading ability of materials written in Chinese will increase by 15-20 folds.

On Oct. 20, I showed students a video clip showing a 2 year old reading character classics and they were hooked.  They all raised their hands wanting to start the materials.  On Oct. 21, I started lesson 1 astronomy with them.