Chinese character classics is an amazing learning material for anyone who wishes to learn Chinese. The material contains 4000 characters and each character occurs in the material only once. Every four characters form a sentence and every eight characters produce a rhyme. Such a format makes it easy for young kids to mimic and memorize. Testimonials from parents indicate that kids as young as 2 can quickly associate the meaning and shape of those characters.
Some sites claim that finishing learning these 4000 character material takes 162 hours and learner's reading ability of materials written in Chinese will increase by 15-20 folds.
On Oct. 20, I showed students a video clip showing a 2 year old reading character classics and they were hooked. They all raised their hands wanting to start the materials. On Oct. 21, I started lesson 1 astronomy with them.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
美国medicare 的申请时间
Cancun's food
Thursday, August 27, 2015
AVC started this week
Some one wrote in the earthclinic saying that AVC helps to lower high cholesterol. So I started this trial this week. One teaspoon plus some honey in a glass per day. After drinking the AVC water, I do have some kind of relaxing feeling in the body.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
optometrist vs opthamologist
Optometrist is called 验光师。 Opthamologist is an eye doctor. The pronunciations for these two words sound similar. Also my optometrist acts and looks like a doctor. So I always think Dr. Ishibashi is a real doctor.
Torrance facility is located at 20790 Madrona Ave off Emerald street torrance.
Opthamologist is in 1050 West Pacific Coast Highway Harbor City 2pm 0813
Dermatology is in carson medical office 18600 S Figuroae St. Gardena 90745 8:30 am 0817
Torrance facility is located at 20790 Madrona Ave off Emerald street torrance.
Opthamologist is in 1050 West Pacific Coast Highway Harbor City 2pm 0813
Dermatology is in carson medical office 18600 S Figuroae St. Gardena 90745 8:30 am 0817
Monday, August 3, 2015
start oil pulling today
I started oil pulling today. Used sesame oil and coconut oil. Some says coconut oil is better than sesame oil. We will see.
Also went to see Dr. Shah, an Indian lady. She said the brown spot on the side of the left face is benign and I don't have to worry too much about it. I made two appointments, one is this Wednesday at 2:15 with an optometrist and one for Aug. 17 at 8:30 with a skin doctor.
Jay just called inviting us to a dinner at his branch at 6pm this Thursday.
Also went to see Dr. Shah, an Indian lady. She said the brown spot on the side of the left face is benign and I don't have to worry too much about it. I made two appointments, one is this Wednesday at 2:15 with an optometrist and one for Aug. 17 at 8:30 with a skin doctor.
Jay just called inviting us to a dinner at his branch at 6pm this Thursday.
Last weekend we went to Seattle to attend Zhihong and Xuanxuan's wedding. Zhihong's family is really complicated. It took me a while to figure out who is related to who.
Nice wedding though. Really enjoyed the trip.
Nice wedding though. Really enjoyed the trip.
Monday, July 27, 2015
* 红色表示放射性化学元素
序号 | 中文 | 元素符号 | 英文 |
1 | 氢 | H | Hydrogen |
2 | 氦 | He | Helium |
3 | 锂 | Li | Lithium |
4 | 铍 | Be | Beryllium |
5 | 硼 | B | Boron |
6 | 碳 | C | Carbon |
7 | 氮 | N | Nitrogen |
8 | 氧 | O | Oxygen |
9 | 氟 | F | Flourine |
10 | 氖 | Ne | Neon |
11 | 钠 | Na | Sodium |
12 | 镁 | Mg | Magnesium |
13 | 铝 | Al | Aluminum |
14 | 硅 | Si | Silicon |
15 | 磷 | P | Phosphorous |
16 | 硫 | S | Sulfur |
17 | 氯 | Cl | Chlorine |
18 | 氩 | Ar | Argon |
19 | 钾 | K | Potassium |
20 | 钙 | Ca | Calcium |
21 | 钪 | Sc | Scandium |
22 | 钛 | Ti | Titanium |
23 | 钒 | V | Vandium |
24 | 铬 | Cr | Chromiun |
25 | 锰 | Mn | Manganese |
26 | 铁 | Fe | Iron |
27 | 钴 | Co | Cobalt |
28 | 镍 | Ni | Nickel |
29 | 铜 | Cu | Copper |
30 | 锌 | Zn | Zinc |
31 | 镓 | Ga | Gallium |
32 | 锗 | Ge | Germanium |
33 | 砷 | As | Arsenic |
34 | 硒 | Se | Selenium |
35 | 溴 | Br | Bromine |
36 | 氪 | Kr | Krypton |
37 | 铷 | Rb | Rubidium |
38 | 锶 | Sr | Strontium |
39 | 钇 | Y | Yttrium |
40 | 锆 | Zr | Zirconium |
41 | 铌 | Nb | Niobium |
42 | 钼 | Mo | Molybdenum |
43 | 锝 | Tc | Technetium |
44 | 钌 | Ru | Ruthenium |
45 | 铑 | Rh | Rhodium |
46 | 钯 | Pd | Palladium |
47 | 银 | Ag | Silver |
48 | 镉 | Cd | Cadmiun |
49 | 铟 | In | Indium |
50 | 锡 | Sn | Tin |
51 | 锑 | Sb | Antimony |
52 | 碲 | Te | Tellurium |
53 | 碘 | I | Iodine |
54 | 氙 | Xe | Xenon |
55 | 铯 | Cs | Cesium |
56 | 钡 | Ba | Barium |
57 | 镧 | La | Lanthanum |
58 | 铈 | Ce | Cerium |
59 | 镨 | Pr | Praseodymium |
60 | 钕 | Nd | Neodymium |
61 | 钷 | Pm | Promethium |
62 | 钐 | Sm | Samarium |
63 | 铕 | Eu | Europium |
64 | 钆 | Gd | Gadolinium |
65 | 铽 | Td | Terbium |
66 | 镝 | Dy | Dysprosium |
67 | 钬 | Ho | Holmium |
68 | 铒 | Er | Erbium |
69 | 铥 | Tm | Thulium |
70 | 镱 | Yb | Ytterbium |
71 | 镥 | Lu | Lutetium |
72 | 铪 | Hf | Hafnium |
73 | 钽 | Ta | Tantalum |
74 | 钨 | W | Tungsten |
75 | 铼 | Re | Rhenium |
76 | 锇 | Os | Osmium |
77 | 铱 | Ir | Iridium |
78 | 铂 | Pt | Platinum |
79 | 金 | Au | Gold |
80 | 汞 | Hg | Mercury |
81 | 铊 | Tl | Thallium |
82 | 铅 | Pb | Lead |
83 | 铋 | Bi | Bismuth |
84 | 钋 | Po | Polonium |
85 | 砹 | At | Astatine |
86 | 氡 | Rn | Radon |
87 | 钫 | Fr | Francium |
88 | 镭 | Ra | Radium |
89 | 锕 | Ac | Actinium |
90 | 钍 | Th | Thorium |
91 | 镤 | Pa | Proactinium |
92 | 铀 | U | Uranium |
93 | 镎 | Np | Neptunium |
94 | 钚 | Pu | Plutonium |
95 | 镅 | Am | Americium |
96 | 锔 | Cm | Curium |
97 | 锫 | Bk | Berkelium |
98 | 锎 | Cf | Californium |
99 | 锿 | Es | Einsteinium |
100 | 镄 | Fm | Fremium |
101 | 钔 | Md | Mendelevium |
102 | 锘 | No | Nobelium |
103 | 铹 | Lr | Lawrencium |
104 | 钅卢 | Rf | Unnilquadium |
105 | 钅杜 | Db | Unnilpentium |
106 | 钅喜 | Sg | Unnilhexium |
107 | 钅波 | Bh | Unnilseptium |
108 | 钅黑 | Hs | Hassium |
109 | 钅麦 | Mt | Mietnerium |
110 | 钅达 | Ds | Darmstadtium |
111 | 钅仑 | Rg | Roentgenium |
112 | Uub | Ununbium | |
113 | Uut | Ununtrium | |
114 | Uuq | Ununquadium | |
115 | Uup | Ununquadium | |
116 | Uuh | Ununhexium | |
117 | Uus | Ununseptium | |
118 | Uuo | Ununoctium |
eye sight and food
I believe there is a direct connection between eye sight and food. I ate soybean sprouts purchased from a local ranch 99 last night. My face was swollen this morning and my eye sight is blurred. Hualun's number was also high, 190 to be exact. There might be something in the soybean that harms one's liver. I am going to drink a lot of water to see if whatever inside my system can be flushed out.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
art of problem solving
Wen told me there are many kids here who are very good at math even though the math ability of the general population may not be so good. She said it is not surprising at all that the US team got the championship in this year's Olympic math competition held in Thailand. One way to train children in math is to start with a book called 'Art of Problem Solving'. The set of books introduces ways to solve math problems and is worth buying.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
face cream infinite aloe
When shopping in the costco, I saw someone selling skincare, infinite aloe, on a roadshow display. I was planing to buy a new type of cream for my face, so I went to the table to get more info. The lady was detailed and informative. After I read the testimonials she showed me, I was sold. There were three packages, large, medium and small, and I decided to buy the medium pack. I tried last night. It appeared to be working. My skin feels moist. This brand did receive a lot of good moments on the Amazon page.
Update: I put the cream on my face before going to bed for two days in a row. On the morning of the third day I had a splitting headache and it lasted for quite a few hours until I washed my face. I knew the headache was caused by the cream as I had never had a headache before. Aloe Vera is a Chinese medicine. When I put the cream on my face, it got absorbed into my body through my skin and it did not agree with my system. As a result I returned the cream pack to the costco without delay.
Update: I put the cream on my face before going to bed for two days in a row. On the morning of the third day I had a splitting headache and it lasted for quite a few hours until I washed my face. I knew the headache was caused by the cream as I had never had a headache before. Aloe Vera is a Chinese medicine. When I put the cream on my face, it got absorbed into my body through my skin and it did not agree with my system. As a result I returned the cream pack to the costco without delay.
Friday, July 17, 2015
flowers in our front yard
Mario, our gardener, planted several kinds of flowers in our front yard and they are supposed to be perennial flowers as requested by me. These flowers are:
1. Gazania mix
2. Lavendar
3. Purpleish/bluish flower plant with long flat leaves, as the one in our flower bed (I don't know its name). Its Chinese name is 百子莲 agipanthus according to a blogger
4. a small tree like plant
I cannot wait to see them grow taller.
1. Gazania mix
2. Lavendar
3. Purpleish/bluish flower plant with long flat leaves, as the one in our flower bed (I don't know its name). Its Chinese name is 百子莲 agipanthus according to a blogger
4. a small tree like plant
5. yellow chrysanthemum
I cannot wait to see them grow taller.
our new sprinkler system and landscape
I have been wanting to install a sprinkler system in our front and back yards for quite sometime. Today the system was finally installed by Mario, our gardener. He also did new landscape along our picket fence. When seeing how beautiful the added flowers are, I decided to add more flowers on all three sides of the yards.
Mario promised that in a couple of weeks, out lawn will look green and flowers blooming. I cannot wait.
Mario promised that in a couple of weeks, out lawn will look green and flowers blooming. I cannot wait.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
My mini rebounder
My mini rebounder arrived yesterday and I started to jump on it right away. It is indeed a low-impact exercises. I am able to do 1000 steps in about 7.5 minutes. I did 1000 last night and did 3000 today.
It is as not as strenuous as running and biking and is not as boring as walking. I turned TV to the food channel while doing it. So 7 minutes went faster than expected.
Hopefully I will see some positive change within 2 weeks.
It is as not as strenuous as running and biking and is not as boring as walking. I turned TV to the food channel while doing it. So 7 minutes went faster than expected.
Hopefully I will see some positive change within 2 weeks.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Carnitine and Olive Oil
According to a piece of recent news, eating carnitine 肉碱 is harmful to one's health. Carnitine apparently causes bacteria in one's digestive track to act weirdly. In the process of bacteria interacting with carnitine, more TMAO 氧化三甲胺will be produced and will get into our blood veins. The increased TMAO level in our body causes increased risk of heart disease. According to the news red meat contains a high level of carnitine. Fish and chicken contain some.
I remember in several protein products sold in Costco, carnitine is one of the main ingredients, as carnitine is believed to build muscles. Energy drinks all contain carnitine. I have to read labels more carefully to avoid products containing carnitine.
Taking two or three tea spoons of olive oil is believed to be beneficial to our health. 92 year old 秦怡 has been drinking two teaspoons of olive oil for years. She has also been eating a type of porridge for several decades. The ingredients of the porridge are as follows: 黑豆、黑芝麻、红豆、黑米、枸杞、燕麦各抓一小 把,红枣三颗,山药三片,黑豆和红豆要事先泡上三四个小时,然后一起放进去煮成五谷粥,枸杞最后关火5分钟前放进去.
I remember in several protein products sold in Costco, carnitine is one of the main ingredients, as carnitine is believed to build muscles. Energy drinks all contain carnitine. I have to read labels more carefully to avoid products containing carnitine.
Taking two or three tea spoons of olive oil is believed to be beneficial to our health. 92 year old 秦怡 has been drinking two teaspoons of olive oil for years. She has also been eating a type of porridge for several decades. The ingredients of the porridge are as follows: 黑豆、黑芝麻、红豆、黑米、枸杞、燕麦各抓一小 把,红枣三颗,山药三片,黑豆和红豆要事先泡上三四个小时,然后一起放进去煮成五谷粥,枸杞最后关火5分钟前放进去.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
从今天起,我又加了一项运动, 敲打脚尖。据说此项运动可提高视力。那我就试试看吧。
从今天起,我又加了一项运动, 敲打脚尖。据说此项运动可提高视力。那我就试试看吧。
Friday, April 24, 2015
Lexington trip
I arrived at the lexington airport at about 10:36 this morning. It is a small airport. Several taxis were waiting outside when I walked out. I took the one driven by a Maxican driver from the yellow wild taxi company, I believe. It took about 15 minutes to get to the University Inn. The fair is 16.25.
The university inn is located at 1229 Limestone Ave and the cross street is Waller St. The U of K is located on the opposite side of Limestone. The strange thing is when I stand at the cross street of Waller and Limestone, facing the UK, the street on my left side called Limestone and on my left is called Nicholasville Road. I noticed that the same road leading further towards the downtown area from the U of K section is called S Upper St According to the conference bus driver. The current Lexington used to be administrated by both the city of Lexington and the county of Lextington. Each has its own names for the street. When two merged into one city, the names of the streets did not change. Hence, a street can have as many as four names, which is very confusing for visitors, but are clear to locals. Those different names mark where the separation lines of the old administration areas.
I thought the University Inn is run by U of K, but I was wrong. The front desk lady told me that it is a privately owned hotel. It is called University Inn, because U of K is right across the hotel, I guess.
It is the nearest conference hotel to the U of K. Other conference hotels are further away and are not within the walking distance to the U of K.
I arrived at the hotel about 10:50, but the rooms were not ready. So I waited at the lobby and did not get a room until 12 pm. The room is clear. But the table is too small. The place has complementary Wi-Fi, which is a plus. The only drawback is that the hotel does not have a restaurant. I cannot get lunch and dinne here. The front desk lady told me if I go on to Nicholasville and walk towards the railway track, which is the opposite direction to the U of K, I will see some places that serve food.
At 1 pm I decided to go out to get some thing to eat and then go to the U of K to register. I got onto the bus that took me to the opposite direction of the U of K, that is towards the railway track. I noticed that the distance between the University Inn and nearest eating place is quite far. It will probably take 10 to 15 minutes of walking from the University Inn to get to a nearby subway or Pizza place.
The hotel lady told me that at least they serve the breakfast from 6 to 10. So tomorrow morning I don't have to walk far to get something to eat.
One more detail. If I go to U of K from the University Inn, I am going to the direction of downtown. The conference bus driver told me that if I want to take a bus from the U of K back to the hotel. I need to take bus 5 with the words 'Nicholasville to ' on the front of the bus. I did not catch the destination name of the bus. Anyway I want to jot down these details for future use.
The university inn is located at 1229 Limestone Ave and the cross street is Waller St. The U of K is located on the opposite side of Limestone. The strange thing is when I stand at the cross street of Waller and Limestone, facing the UK, the street on my left side called Limestone and on my left is called Nicholasville Road. I noticed that the same road leading further towards the downtown area from the U of K section is called S Upper St According to the conference bus driver. The current Lexington used to be administrated by both the city of Lexington and the county of Lextington. Each has its own names for the street. When two merged into one city, the names of the streets did not change. Hence, a street can have as many as four names, which is very confusing for visitors, but are clear to locals. Those different names mark where the separation lines of the old administration areas.
I thought the University Inn is run by U of K, but I was wrong. The front desk lady told me that it is a privately owned hotel. It is called University Inn, because U of K is right across the hotel, I guess.
It is the nearest conference hotel to the U of K. Other conference hotels are further away and are not within the walking distance to the U of K.
I arrived at the hotel about 10:50, but the rooms were not ready. So I waited at the lobby and did not get a room until 12 pm. The room is clear. But the table is too small. The place has complementary Wi-Fi, which is a plus. The only drawback is that the hotel does not have a restaurant. I cannot get lunch and dinne here. The front desk lady told me if I go on to Nicholasville and walk towards the railway track, which is the opposite direction to the U of K, I will see some places that serve food.
At 1 pm I decided to go out to get some thing to eat and then go to the U of K to register. I got onto the bus that took me to the opposite direction of the U of K, that is towards the railway track. I noticed that the distance between the University Inn and nearest eating place is quite far. It will probably take 10 to 15 minutes of walking from the University Inn to get to a nearby subway or Pizza place.
The hotel lady told me that at least they serve the breakfast from 6 to 10. So tomorrow morning I don't have to walk far to get something to eat.
One more detail. If I go to U of K from the University Inn, I am going to the direction of downtown. The conference bus driver told me that if I want to take a bus from the U of K back to the hotel. I need to take bus 5 with the words 'Nicholasville to ' on the front of the bus. I did not catch the destination name of the bus. Anyway I want to jot down these details for future use.
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