Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Carnitine and Olive Oil

According to a piece of recent news, eating carnitine 肉碱 is harmful to one's health.  Carnitine apparently causes bacteria in one's digestive track to act weirdly.  In the process of bacteria interacting with carnitine, more TMAO 氧化三甲胺will be produced and will get into our blood veins.  The increased TMAO level in our body causes increased risk of heart disease.  According to the news red meat contains a high level of carnitine.  Fish and chicken contain some. 
I remember in several protein products sold in Costco, carnitine is one of the main ingredients, as carnitine is believed to build muscles. Energy drinks all contain carnitine.  I have to read labels more carefully to avoid products containing carnitine.

Taking two or three tea spoons of olive oil is believed to be beneficial to our health. 92 year old 秦怡 has been drinking two teaspoons of olive oil for years.  She has also been eating a type of porridge for several decades. The ingredients of the porridge are as follows: 黑豆、黑芝麻、红豆、黑米、枸杞、燕麦各抓一小 把,红枣三颗,山药三片,黑豆和红豆要事先泡上三四个小时,然后一起放进去煮成五谷粥,枸杞最后关火5分钟前放进去.

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