Sunday, July 19, 2015

face cream infinite aloe

When shopping in the costco, I saw someone selling skincare, infinite aloe, on a roadshow display.  I was planing to buy a new type of cream for my face, so I went to the table to get more info.  The lady was detailed and informative.  After I read the testimonials she showed me, I was sold.  There were three packages, large, medium and small, and I decided to buy the medium pack.  I tried last night.  It appeared to be working.  My skin feels moist. This brand did receive a lot of good moments on the Amazon page. 

Update:  I put the cream on my face before going to bed for two days in a row.  On the morning of the third day I had a splitting headache and it lasted for quite a few hours until I washed my face.  I knew the headache was caused by the cream as I had never had a headache before.  Aloe Vera is a Chinese medicine. When I put the cream on my face, it got absorbed into my body through my skin and it did not agree with my system.  As a result I returned the cream pack to the costco without delay.

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