Monday, July 27, 2015





* 红色表示放射性化学元素
1 H Hydrogen
2 He Helium
3 Li Lithium
4 Be Beryllium
5 B Boron
6 C Carbon
7 N Nitrogen
8 O Oxygen
9 F Flourine
10 Ne Neon
11 Na Sodium
12 Mg Magnesium
13 Al Aluminum
14 Si Silicon
15 P Phosphorous
16 S Sulfur
17 Cl Chlorine
18 Ar Argon
19 K Potassium
20 Ca Calcium
21 Sc Scandium
22 Ti Titanium
23 V Vandium
24 Cr Chromiun
25 Mn Manganese
26 Fe Iron
27 Co Cobalt
28 Ni Nickel
29 Cu Copper
30 Zn Zinc
31 Ga Gallium
32 Ge Germanium
33 As Arsenic
34 Se Selenium
35 Br Bromine
36 Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium
38 Sr Strontium
39 Y Yttrium
40 Zr Zirconium
41 Nb Niobium
42 Mo Molybdenum
43 Tc Technetium
44 Ru Ruthenium
45 Rh Rhodium
46 Pd Palladium
47 Ag Silver
48 Cd Cadmiun
49 In Indium
50 Sn Tin
51 Sb Antimony
52 Te Tellurium
53 I Iodine
54 Xe Xenon
55 Cs Cesium
56 Ba Barium
57 La Lanthanum
58 Ce Cerium
59 Pr Praseodymium
60 Nd Neodymium
61 Pm Promethium
62 Sm Samarium
63 Eu Europium
64 Gd Gadolinium
65 Td Terbium
66 Dy Dysprosium
67 Ho Holmium
68 Er Erbium
69 Tm Thulium
70 Yb Ytterbium
71 Lu Lutetium
72 Hf Hafnium
73 Ta Tantalum
74 W Tungsten
75 Re Rhenium
76 Os Osmium
77 Ir Iridium
78 Pt Platinum
79 Au Gold
80 Hg Mercury
81 Tl Thallium
82 Pb Lead
83 Bi Bismuth
84 Po Polonium
85 At Astatine
86 Rn Radon
87 Fr Francium
88 Ra Radium
89 Ac Actinium
90 Th Thorium
91 Pa Proactinium
92 U Uranium
93 Np Neptunium
94 Pu Plutonium
95 Am Americium
96 Cm Curium
97 Bk Berkelium
98 Cf Californium
99 Es Einsteinium
100 Fm Fremium
101 Md Mendelevium
102 No Nobelium
103 Lr Lawrencium
104 钅卢 Rf Unnilquadium
105 钅杜 Db Unnilpentium
106 钅喜 Sg Unnilhexium
107 钅波 Bh Unnilseptium
108 钅黑 Hs Hassium
109 钅麦 Mt Mietnerium
110 钅达 Ds Darmstadtium
111 钅仑 Rg Roentgenium
Uub Ununbium
Uut Ununtrium
Uuq Ununquadium
Uup Ununquadium
Uuh Ununhexium
Uus Ununseptium
Uuo Ununoctium


eye sight and food

I believe there is a direct connection between eye sight and food. I ate soybean sprouts purchased from a local ranch 99 last night.  My face was swollen this morning and my eye sight is blurred.  Hualun's number was also high, 190 to be exact.  There might be something in the soybean that harms one's liver. I am going to drink a lot of water to see if whatever inside my system can be flushed out.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

art of problem solving

Wen told me there are many kids here who are very good at math even though the math ability of the general population may not be so good.  She said it is not surprising at all that the US team got the championship in this year's Olympic math competition held in Thailand.  One way to train children in math is to start with a book called 'Art of Problem Solving'.  The set of books introduces ways to solve math problems and is worth buying.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

face cream infinite aloe

When shopping in the costco, I saw someone selling skincare, infinite aloe, on a roadshow display.  I was planing to buy a new type of cream for my face, so I went to the table to get more info.  The lady was detailed and informative.  After I read the testimonials she showed me, I was sold.  There were three packages, large, medium and small, and I decided to buy the medium pack.  I tried last night.  It appeared to be working.  My skin feels moist. This brand did receive a lot of good moments on the Amazon page. 

Update:  I put the cream on my face before going to bed for two days in a row.  On the morning of the third day I had a splitting headache and it lasted for quite a few hours until I washed my face.  I knew the headache was caused by the cream as I had never had a headache before.  Aloe Vera is a Chinese medicine. When I put the cream on my face, it got absorbed into my body through my skin and it did not agree with my system.  As a result I returned the cream pack to the costco without delay.

Friday, July 17, 2015

flowers in our front yard

Mario, our gardener, planted several kinds of flowers in our front yard and they are supposed to be perennial flowers as requested by me.   These flowers are:

1. Gazania mix
2. Lavendar
3. Purpleish/bluish flower plant with long flat leaves, as the one in our flower bed (I don't know its name).  Its Chinese name is 百子莲 agipanthus according to a blogger
4. a small tree like plant
5. yellow chrysanthemum

I cannot wait to see them grow taller. 

our new sprinkler system and landscape

I have been wanting to install a sprinkler system in our front and back yards for quite sometime.  Today the system was finally installed by Mario, our gardener.  He also did new landscape along our picket fence.  When seeing how beautiful the added flowers are, I decided to add more flowers on all three sides of the yards. 

Mario promised that in a couple of weeks, out lawn will look green and flowers blooming.  I cannot wait.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My mini rebounder

My mini rebounder arrived yesterday and I started to jump on it right away.  It is indeed a low-impact exercises.  I am able to do 1000 steps in about 7.5 minutes.  I did 1000 last night and did 3000 today.
It is as not as strenuous as running and biking and is not as boring as walking.  I turned TV to the food channel while doing it.  So 7 minutes went faster than expected.

Hopefully I will see some positive change within 2 weeks.