Sunday, December 29, 2013

finding a class blog site

I was going to use blogger for the coming class blogging site.  But I don't know how to separate my own account from my professional account.



新的一年即将来临,应该开始计划了。不如就从这写博客开始,不知怎么,我觉得这写博客就像每日记账一样,把看到,听到,知道的写下来。不用写太多,几行,甚至一行也行。就像北美月说的,每天的信息太多了,有的有用,有的没用,有用的要记下来,没用的就像过眼烟云,不用再费脑筋。 如果不记下来,那些有用的信息,转眼也变成无用的了。

Monday, August 5, 2013

3 steps of being a content curator

Daniel Pink's books talks about the importance of being a curator.  It involves 3 steps.

1. Seek
Define the area I want to curate. Put together a list of best resources of information of information and scan them regularly.  That is at least 15 minutes, two times a day.  While scanning, gather the the information that interests me.

2. Sense
To add value to the gathered information, create meaning out of the information assembled.  This could be making an annotation list of web links or simply maintaining my blog regularly.

3. Share
Once I have collected the good stuff and organized it in a meaningful way, I can share it with others through email, my own newsletter or through twitter, linkedin, facebook.  This way I can help others to see their own situation in a new light and potentially reveal new problems that the information can help to solve.

Pink cites Kanter by saying 'putting content curation into practice is part art form, part science, but mostly about daily practice'.  Kanner's "Content Curation Primer" can be found at

Pink and Kanter have point out how to act.  I'd better follow their advice and start content curation today!  The three content areas that I wish to curate are these: educational technology, language acquisition and health.

Pink, D.  (2012).  To Sell is Human.  New York: Riverhead Books A member of Penguin Group (USA)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

tricks for preventing aging

According to Dr. OZ,
1. use face cream or lotion that contains hyaluronic acid will make one's skin hydrated and supple.  The acid must be the first ingredient.  Products containing the acid can be as low as $8.

2. use gelatin will help one to have a good night sleep.  According to his explanation, gelatin helps keep one's body temperature low enough to fall asleep.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I was at the Costco yesterday.  The line to return the purchased items was long.  I was the last one.  After waiting in the line for 5 minutes without moving a foot, I got a little impatient. thinking that perhaps I should buy the items first and came back to do the returning later.  A lady walked up and lined up behind me.  She is white in her fifties, and looks like a teacher or a doctor from her manner and attire.  She immediately started to complain about the long waiting and said she was going to look for a manager to change the situation.  The Mexican lady before me encouraged her by promising to hold her spot.  I smiled and decided to stay in the line.  The white lady went in.  After a few minutes she came out to report the results, saying that someone is going to call the manager to help process the returns quickly.  She said to me and the Mexican lady, 'look at those people.  They are chatting and talking while working.  They appear to work deliberately slowly.  I am a teacher,' she said, 'when I teach, I don't chat with my colleagues.  I focus completely on my students.'    Within minutes a  manager showed up by her side and apologized for the long waiting.  He said he was going to ask one more staff to work on the returns. After the manager left, things started to move very quickly.  Before I realized it, it was my turn.  The Mexican lady turned to me with a smile, saying we have to learn from her.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Some foods cause one's blood sugar to go high

I have noticed many times that onions, red or brown, cause the sugar in one's blood to go high.  Every time I cook onion for dinner, my husband blood sugar is high the following morning.  It is so predicable that I am now afraid to buy a bag of onions as I used to,  or use more than a quarter of an onion for each meal.  I searched the Internet trying to find similar results experienced by others, but found none.

Other things caused the blood sugar to go high also included certain herbs, such as Mrs Dash.  Isn't this strange?